DISEASE: Green petal disease
HOST: Strawberry
Diseased plant with button berries and green petals that turn red. The disease is caused by a subgroup of aster yellows.
Green petal disease | Strawberry
DISEASE: Green petal disease
HOST: Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)
PATHOGEN: 'Candidatus Phytoplasma' sp.
PATHOGEN SYNONYM: Phytoplasma (undefined)
SOURCE: M. Clark
DISEASE: Greening disease
HOST: Periwinkle
Healthy flower and infected flower.
Greening disease | Periwinkle
DISEASE: Greening disease
HOST: Periwinkle (Vinca sp.)
PATHOGEN: 'Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris'
PATHOGEN SYNONYM: Phytoplasma Aster yellows group
SOURCE: D. Teakle
DISEASE: Greening disease
HOST: Periwinkle
Diseased plants with phyllody and greenish yellow leaves.
Greening disease | Periwinkle
DISEASE: Greening disease
HOST: Periwinkle (Vinca minor)
PATHOGEN: 'Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris'
PATHOGEN SYNONYM: Phytoplasma Aster yellows group
SOURCE: E. Braun
DISEASE: Greening disease
HOST: Periwinkle
The disease causes virescence and phyllody, distorted and discolored leaves, and greening of flowers.
Greening disease | Periwinkle
DISEASE: Greening disease
HOST: Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus)
PATHOGEN: 'Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris'
PATHOGEN SYNONYM: Phytoplasma Aster yellows group
SOURCE: W. Borth
DISEASE: Gumming disease
HOST: Sugarcane
Symptoms include brownish red streaks on leaves with apical chlorosis. Streaks become necrotic with time. Plants are stunted with reddening of vascular bundles.
Gumming disease | Sugarcane
DISEASE: Gumming disease
HOST: Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum)
PATHOGEN: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vasculorum
PATHOGEN SYNONYM: Xanthomonas campestris pv. vasculorum
DISEASE: Gypsophila gall
HOST: Gypsophila (Baby's breath)
Gall on gypsophila stem.
Gypsophila gall | Gypsophila (Baby's breath)
DISEASE: Gypsophila gall
HOST: Gypsophila (Baby's breath) (Gypsophila elegans)
PATHOGEN: Pantoea agglomerans pv. agglomerans
SOURCE: S. Manulis
DISEASE: Gypsophila gall
HOST: Gypsophila (Baby's breath)
Gall 1 month after inoculation of stem.
Gypsophila gall | Gypsophila (Baby's breath)
DISEASE: Gypsophila gall
HOST: Gypsophila (Baby's breath) (Gypsophila elegans)
PATHOGEN: Pantoea agglomerans pv. agglomerans
SOURCE: S. Manulis
DISEASE: Gypsophila gall
HOST: Gypsophila (Baby's breath)
Brown gall on crown of gypsophila.
Gypsophila gall | Gypsophila (Baby's breath)
DISEASE: Gypsophila gall
HOST: Gypsophila (Baby's breath) (Gypsophila elegans)
PATHOGEN: Pantoea agglomerans pv. agglomerans
SOURCE: S. Manulis
DISEASE: Gypsophila gall
HOST: Gypsophila (Baby's breath)
Galls (left) caused by Pantoea agglomerans pv. agglomerans tend to be brownish, and those (right) caused by P. agglomerans pv. betae are white.
Gypsophila gall | Gypsophila (Baby's breath)
DISEASE: Gypsophila gall
HOST: Gypsophila (Baby's breath) (Gypsophila elegans)
PATHOGEN: Pantoea agglomerans pv. agglomerans
SOURCE: S. Manulis