Search term:
fire blight
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Pear
Cankers on trunk often serve as overwintering sites for the pathogen.

Fire blight | Pear
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Pear (Pyrus communis)
PATHOGEN: Erwinia amylovora
SOURCE: M. Schroth
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Pear
Diseased twig with typical crook neck. Note yellowish orange bacterial ooze.

Fire blight | Pear
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Pear (Pyrus communis)
PATHOGEN: Erwinia amylovora
SOURCE: M. Schroth
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Pear
Blossom blight is first seen as water-soaked spots that rapidly turn brown to black as the disease becomes systemic and progresses down the shoot.

Fire blight | Pear
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Pear (Pyrus communis)
PATHOGEN: Erwinia amylovora
SOURCE: S. Thomson
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Photinia
Fire blight cankers on photinia.

Fire blight | Photinia
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Photinia (Photinia fraseri)
PATHOGEN: Erwinia amylovora
SOURCE: M. Schroth
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Photinia
Typical crook neck symptom of infected shoot.

Fire blight | Photinia
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Photinia (Photinia fraseri)
PATHOGEN: Erwinia amylovora
SOURCE: M. Schroth
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Plum
Typical symptoms of fire blight-infected, young European plum shoot.

Fire blight | Plum
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Plum (Prunus domestica 'Empress')
PATHOGEN: Erwinia amylovora
SOURCE: S. Mohan
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Plum
Diseased terminal shoot and advancing infection.

Fire blight | Plum
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Plum (Prunus domestica 'Empress')
PATHOGEN: Erwinia amylovora
SOURCE: S. Mohan
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Plum
Crook-necked terminal end of succulent young stem, characteristic of fire blight infection of Japanese-type plum.

Fire blight | Plum
DISEASE: Fire blight
HOST: Plum (Prunus salicina 'Fortune')
PATHOGEN: Erwinia amylovora
SOURCE: S. Mohan