DISEASE: Wildfire (Angular leaf spot)
HOST: Tobacco
Characteristic symptoms are necrotic, brown spots with angular margins surrounded by distinct yellow halos. The halos are caused by the production of tabtoxin.
Wildfire (Angular leaf spot) | Tobacco
DISEASE: Wildfire (Angular leaf spot)
HOST: Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
PATHOGEN: Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci
SOURCE: G. Lucas
DISEASE: Wildfire
HOST: Soybean
Close-up of lesions with large, yellow halos.
Wildfire | Soybean
DISEASE: Wildfire
HOST: Soybean (Glycine max)
PATHOGEN: Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci
SOURCE: J. Forsberg, M. Shurtleff
DISEASE: Wildfire
HOST: Soybean
Leaf with brown necrotic spots with yellow halos. During dry weather, lesions become dry and dead areas tear off, leaving a tattered appearance.
Wildfire | Soybean
DISEASE: Wildfire
HOST: Soybean (Glycine max)
PATHOGEN: Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci
SOURCE: D. Teakle
DISEASE: Witches'-broom
HOST: Alfalfa
Alfalfa plant (center) exhibiting stunting and proliferation of stems. Other symptoms are small, rounded, chlorotic, often puckered leaves and a yellowish cast.
Witches'-broom | Alfalfa
DISEASE: Witches'-broom
HOST: Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
PATHOGEN: 'Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii'
PATHOGEN SYNONYM: Phytoplasma Clover proliferation group
SOURCE: S. Thomson
DISEASE: Witches'-broom
HOST: Alfalfa
Young plant (left) with small, numerous stems (witches'-broom). Healthy stems (right).
Witches'-broom | Alfalfa
DISEASE: Witches'-broom
HOST: Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
PATHOGEN: 'Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolii'
PATHOGEN SYNONYM: Phytoplasma Clover proliferation group
SOURCE: S. Thomson
DISEASE: Witches'-broom
HOST: Cactus
Witches'-broom of Opuntia cactus.
Witches'-broom | Cactus
DISEASE: Witches'-broom
HOST: Cactus (Opuntia sp.)
PATHOGEN: 'Candidatus Phytoplasma' sp.
PATHOGEN SYNONYM: Phytoplasma (undefined)
SOURCE: R. McCoy, M. Davis
DISEASE: Witches'-broom
HOST: Citrus (Lime)
Lime tree with compact, small leaves (witches'-broom). Leaves on older brooms dry out and eventually drop, leaving dead, bare branches. There are no flowers or fruit on brooms.
Witches'-broom | Citrus (Lime)
DISEASE: Witches'-broom
HOST: Citrus (Lime) (Citrus sp.)
PATHOGEN: 'Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia'
PATHOGEN SYNONYM: Phytoplasma Peanut witches'-broom group
SOURCE: J. Bove, M. Garnier
DISEASE: Witches'-broom
HOST: Dogwood
Witches'-broom of eastern dogwood.
Witches'-broom | Dogwood
DISEASE: Witches'-broom
HOST: Dogwood (Cornus sp.)
PATHOGEN: 'Candidatus Phytoplasma' sp.
PATHOGEN SYNONYM: Phytoplasma (undefined)
SOURCE: W. Sinclair